Julia → SPIR-V compiler

SPIRV.jl defines a Julia → SPIR-V compiler, built via the AbstractInterpreter interface. While standard compilation of Julia code emits LLVM IR to be turned into CPU machine code, this SPIR-V compiler emits SPIR-V IR aimed at consumption with a graphics API such as Vulkan. This compiler may be described equivalently as a Julia frontend for SPIR-V, or a SPIR-V backend for Julia.


This compiler only supports the Vulkan subset of SPIR-V. The OpenCL subset of SPIR-V is not a focus of this package at the moment.


This functionality requires Julia 1.11 or higher.


This compiler is largely experimental at the moment, and lacks real-world testing. Expect bugs and instabilities across Julia versions.

The shaders are to be provided as regular Julia methods, but with restrictions: only a subset of Julia is supported (see Language support below), excluding exceptions, arrays, strings, and more.

Language support

The limitations imposed on Julia programs for SPIR-V compilation are the following:

  • Special types are required to interface with the corresponding SPIR-V array, vector, matrix and image types (Arr, Vec, Mat, Image, SampledImage).
  • Strings and Symbols are not supported, lacking SPIR-V counterparts.
  • Dynamic runtime features are not supported. This includes dynamic dispatch, isa type checks (unless elided by compile-time optimizations), invokelatest, tasks, and so on.
  • Union types are not supported, though there may be ways to support them in the future with some overhead.
  • Exceptions are not supported by SPIR-V.
  • Calling external libraries via FFI is not supported by SPIR-V.
  • Recursive functions are not supported by SPIR-V.
  • Arrays with an unspecified size are only allowed in restricted situations; see the conditions for such runtime arrays to be valid in Vulkan. However, if the PhysicalStorageBufferAddresses capability is enabled, you may use pointers and offsets instead (see @load and @store for this usage).
  • Ptr is not supported, but you may use @load and @store with UInt64 which use the internal SPIRV.Pointer type.
  • Structs cannot access their fields dynamically, i.e. with a runtime index into their fields, even if they are all of the same type.

A few additional limitations exist currently that may be removed in the future:

  • Keyword arguments are not supported.
  • Mutable objects can be mutated, but will not see mutations to their mutable fields: if x.a is modified, x.a will return the modified value, but if x.a.b is modified, x.a.b will return the original value. This stems from a fundamental difference in the expression of mutability between Julia and SPIR-V, and may prove quite difficult to address reliably. For this reason, it is highly advised that you avoid relying on mutability in shader code.
  • Methods attached to objects cannot be compiled, or only if the resulting code does not use its members. For this reason, prefer blur(x::GaussianBlur, ...) = compute_blur(x.strength, ...) to (x::GaussianBlur)(...) = compute_blur(x.strength). For this reason, closures (which are callable objects in disguise) should always be inlined so that they are optimized away.
  • Base.ctlz and Base.cttz intrinsics to count leading and trailing zeroes, respectively.
  • Expr(:throw_undef_if_not, ...) is not supported, forbidding to have programs that access a variable that may or may not have been defined depending on prior control-flow.

Due to these limitations, arbitrary Julia code is unlikely to compile successfully out of the box without a conscious effort to only operate in the allowed Julia language subset.

Regarding support for the SPIR-V language:

  • Most basic SPIR-V instructions are covered.
  • A few SPIR-V instructions are not covered yet, especially those related to advanced uses; if you need one that is missing, please file an issue or contact the developers directly. We aim to have all shader-related SPIR-V instructions added eventually.
  • GLSL intrinsics are available via a corresponding method table overlay (which can be disabled).
  • Data layouts are automatically computed according to a LayoutStrategy.
  • SPIR-V capabilities and extensions are automatically declared based on a user-provided FeatureSupport (see SupportedFeatures to specify the exact set of features supported by a given driver).
  • Vulkan features and extensions are automatically translated to SPIR-V capabilities and features, provided by a Vulkan.jl package extension that adds a constructor to SupportedFeatures.

Any Julia program that you can write in perspective of being compiled to SPIR-V should be executable on the CPU, unless they rely on specific configurations of the SPIR-V execution environment. For instance, filtered image operations are not supported for CPU execution, nor are derivative operations or group operations, to cite a few.

Targeting SPIR-V via LLVM

As described in the introduction, SPIR-V and LLVM IR are both formats to describe programs; but behind the apparent similarity lie fundamental differences between the two. Most importantly, the SPIR-V subset relevant for graphics workloads is in its current state incompatible with LLVM IR.

There exists a SPIR-V to LLVM bidirectional translator, but the project title omits one thing: only the OpenCL subset of SPIR-V is supported. Adding support for the graphics subset would be a tedious task; see this issue comment for more details about a few of the challenges involved.

Therefore, we cannot rely on LLVM tooling to generate SPIR-V from Julia code; that is unfortunate, as we otherwise might have been able to use the GPUCompiler.jl infrastructure. One promising approach so far is to target SPIR-V from Julia IR using the AbstractInterpreter interface, hooking into Julia's compilation pipeline in a way that is similar to GPUCompiler.jl until we bifurcate to emit SPIR-V IR instead of LLVM IR.