Table of symbols

These tables list all the functions, operators and constants that are recognized as geometric operations, e.g. in code evaluated as part of a @ga block.

Built-in functions

These functions are always accessible in any context, and cannot be overriden:

  • +(a, b, ...)
  • -(a)
  • -(a, b)
  • reverse(a)
  • antireverse(a)
  • left_complement(a)
  • right_complement(a)
  • geometric_product(a, b, ...)
  • exterior_product(a, b, ...)
  • interior_product(a, b)
  • commutator_product(a, b)
  • inverse(a)
  • exp(a)

Default symbols

Although any operation in geometric algebra may be performed using the built-in functions above, it is useful to have access to shorthands and other operators which build on these primitives. Therefore, default functions and operators are provided, as well as a few aliases and constants.

These are obtained with default_bindings, and may be tweaked or removed if you choose to reimplement your own macro over @ga using Expression generation utilities.


These functions define secondary operators that are more or less standard in geometric algebra. Many of these operators were extracted from E. Lengyel's PGA poster.

antidivisioninverse_dual(division(dual(a), dual(b)))
antiscalar_productgeometric_antiproduct(a, antireverse(a))::e̅
bulk_left_complementgeometric_product(antireverse(a), 𝟙)
bulk_normsqrt(interior_product(a, reverse(a)))::e
bulk_right_complementgeometric_product(reverse(a), 𝟙)
divisiongeometric_product(a, inverse(b))
exterior_antiproductinverse_dual(exterior_product(dual(a), dual(b)))
geometric_antiproductinverse_dual(geometric_product(dual(a), dual(b)))
geometric_normbulk_norm(a) + weight_norm(a)
interior_antiproductinverse_dual(interior_product(dual(a), dual(b)))
left_interior_antiproductexterior_product(a, right_complement(b))
left_interior_productexterior_antiproduct(left_complement(a), b)
projected_geometric_normantidivision(bulk_norm(a), weight_norm(a))
right_interior_antiproductexterior_product(left_complement(a), b)
right_interior_productexterior_antiproduct(a, right_complement(b))
scalar_productgeometric_product(a, reverse(a))::Scalar
unitizeantidivision(a, weight_norm(a))
versor_productgeometric_product(b, a, inverse(b))
weight_left_complementgeometric_antiproduct(𝟏, antireverse(a))
weight_normsqrt(interior_antiproduct(a, antireverse(a)))::e̅
weight_right_complementgeometric_antiproduct(𝟏, reverse(a))


Convenient binary operators are defined by default to allow a more compact language to perform geometric operations. Note that there is no agreed-upon convention for these, and that is why we prefer to allow more advanced users to tweak them at will:

FunctionUnicode inputExpression
a ⟑ b\wedgedotgeometric_product(a, b)
a ⟇ b (Julia 1.10 or higher)\veedotgeometric_antiproduct(a, b)
a ⩒ b\veeodotgeometric_antiproduct(a, b)
a ⋅ b\cdotinterior_product(a, b)
a ● b\mdlgblkcircleinterior_product(a, b)
a ○ b\bigcircinterior_antiproduct(a, b)
a ⦿ b\circledbulletscalar_product(a, b)
a ∧ b\wedgeexterior_product(a, b)
a ∨ b\veeexterior_antiproduct(a, b)
a ⊣ b\dashvleft_interior_product(a, b)
a ⊢ b\vdashright_interior_product(a, b)
a ⨼ b\intprodleft_interior_antiproduct(a, b)
a ⨽ b\intprodrright_interior_antiproduct(a, b)
a << bversor_product(a, b)
a / bdivision(a, b)

In many materials about geometric algebra, the geometric product uses the same notation as the standard multiplication operator, * (or even juxtaposition). However, we prefer to use the \wedgedot symbol proposed by E. Lengyel to visually show its relationship with the inner and outer products, and , and because it allows the use of an "anti-" operator to express the dual operator to the geometric product, the geometric antiproduct (\veedot, available from Julia 1.10). There are also programming-related motivations, as 2x destructures to 2 * x which would rarely want to be considered as "the geometric product of 2 and x".


A few aliases are defined, with a short-hand for the inverse and a specific choice of a dual and dual inverse, along with common names for operators we named differently:



These constants allow you to complactly express scalar and antiscalar units.


Type annotations

Considering an $n$-dimensional space, the various ways to annotate a value are as follows:

AnnotationAliasGrade or basis blade
::e1Basis vector $e_1$ (grade 1)
::e12::e_1_2Basis blade $e_1 \wedge e_2$ (grade 2)
::e_11_12Basis blade $e_{11} \wedge e_{12}$ (grade 2, more than one digit per index)
::Scalar::0, ::e$0$
::(k, l, ...)Tuple of multiple elements of grade $k$, $l$, ...
::(k + l + ...)Concatenation of multiple elements of grade $k$, $l$, ...
::MultivectorConcatenation of all elements with grade $0$ to $n$