
This wrapper exposes several features aimed at simplifying the use of the Vulkan API from Julia. Some features are configurable through the recent Preferences.jl package, see the corresponding section for a list of available options.


Implicit return values

Functions almost never directly return a value in Vulkan, and usually return either a return code or nothing. This is a limitation of C where only one value can be returned. Instead, they fill pointers with data, and it is your responsibility to initialize them before the call and dereference them afterwards. In Julia, it can be repetitive, requiring a special handling such as

pDisplay = Ref{VkDisplayKHR}()
code = vkGetRandROutputDisplayEXT(physical_device, dpy_ref, rr_output, pDisplay) # just leave the return code

# or, showing what is actually done by the wrapper instead
DisplayKHR(pDisplay[], identity, physical_device)

This particular setup is taken care of by the wrapper, so that you only need to do:

# returns a Result{DisplayKHR,VulkanError}
display = get_rand_r_output_display_ext(physical_device, dpy_ref, rr_output)

The display variable here is a Result type, so you would need to unwrap it to get the actual DisplayKHR type. To know more about unwrap and the Result type see the error handling section. When there are multiple implicit return values (i.e. multiple pointers being written to), they are returned as a tuple:

# returns a Result{Tuple{UInt, Ptr{Cvoid}},VulkanError}
actual_data_size, data = get_pipeline_cache_data(device, pipeline_cache, data_size)

Enumerated arrays

Sometimes, when enumerating objects or properties for example, a function may need to be called twice: a first time for returning the number of elements to be enumerated, then a second time with an initialized array of the right length to be filled with Vulkan objects:

pPhysicalDeviceCount = Ref{UInt32}(0)

# get the length in pPhysicalDeviceCount
@check vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices(instance, pPhysicalDeviceCount, C_NULL)

# initialize the array with the returned length
pPhysicalDevices = Vector{VkPhysicalDevice}(undef, pPhysicalDeviceCount[])

@check vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices(instance, pPhysicalDeviceCount, pPhysicalDevices)

# optional
PhysicalDevices.(pPhysicalDevices, identity, instance)

The relevant enumeration functions are wrapped with this, so that only one call needs to be made, without worrying about creating intermediate arrays:

# returns a Result{Vector{PhysicalDevice},VulkanError}
physical_devices = enumerate_physical_devices(instance)



As the API is written in C, there are a lot of pointers to deal with and handling them is not always an easy task. With a little practice, one can figure out how to wrap function calls with cconvert and unsafe_convert provided by Julia. Those functions provide automatic conversions and ccall GC-roots cconverted variables to ensure that pointers will point to valid memory (by explicitly telling the compiler not to garbage-collect nor optimize away the original variable).

However, the situation gets a lot more complicated when you deal with pointers as type fields. We will look at a naive example that show how difficult it can get for a Julia developer not used to calling C code. If we wanted to create a VkInstance, we might be tempted to do:

function create_instance(app_name, engine_name)
    app_info = VkApplicationInfo(
        C_NULL, # pNext
        pointer(app_name), # application name
        1, # application version
        pointer(engine_name), # engine name
        0, # engine version
        VK_VERSION_1_2, # requested API version
    create_info = InstanceCreateInfo(
        C_NULL, # pNext
        0, # flags
        Base.unsafe_convert(Ptr{VkApplicationInfo}, (Ref(app_info))), # application info
        0, # layer count
        C_NULL, # layers (none requested)
        0, # extension count
        C_NULL, # extensions (none requested)
    p_instance = Ref{VkInstance}()

    GC.@preserve app_info begin
            C_NULL, # custom allocator (we choose the default one provided by Vulkan)


instance = create_instance("AppName", "NoEngine") # very likely to segfault

which will probably result in a segmentation fault. Why?

Two causes may lead to such a result:

  1. app_name and engine_name may never be allocated if the compiler decides not to, so there is no guarantee that pointer(app_name) and pointer(engine_name) will point to anything valid. Additionally, even if those variables were allocated with valid pointer addresses at some point, they can be garbage collected at any time, including before the call to vkCreateInstance.
  2. app_info is not what should be preserved. It cannot be converted to a pointer, but a Ref to it can. Therefore it is the reference that needs to be GC.@preserved, not app_info. So, Ref(app_info) must be assigned to a variable, and replace app_info in the call to GC.@preserve.

Basically, it all comes down to having to preserve everything you take a pointer of. And, if you need to create an intermediary object when converting a variable to a pointer, you need to preserve it too. For example, take of an array of Strings, that need to be converted as a Ptr{Cstring}. You first need to create an array of Cstrings, then convert that array to a pointer. The Strings and the Cstring array need to be preseved.

This is exactly what cconvert and unsafe_convert are for. cconvert converts a variable to a type that can be converted to the desired (possibly pointer) type using unsafe_convert. In addition of chaining both conversions, ccall also preserves the cconverted variable, so that the unsafe conversion becomes safe.

Because we cannot use ccall in this case, we need to cconvert any argument that will be transformed to a pointer, and store the result as long as the desired struct may be used. Then, unsafe_convert can be called on this result, to get the desired (pointer) type necessary to construct the API struct.

There are several possibilities for preserving what we may call "pointer dependencies". One of them is to reference them inside a global variable, such as a Dict, and deleting them once we no longer need it. This has the severe disadvantage of requiring to explicitly manage every dependency, along with large performance issues. Another possibility, which we have taken in this wrapper, is to create a new structure that will store both the API structure and the required dependencies. That way, we can safely rely on the GC for preserving what we need just when we need it.

Therefore, every API structure is wrapped inside another one (without the "Vk" prefix), as follows:

struct InstanceCreateInfo <: VulkanStruct{true} # true means there are dependencies
    vks::VkInstanceCreateInfo # API struct
    deps::Vector{Any}         # contains all required dependencies

and every structure exposes a convenient constructor that works perfectly with Strings and mutable AbstractArrays. No manual Refs/cconvert/unsafe_convert needed.

We hope that the additional Vector{Any} will not introduce too much overhead. In the future, this might be changed to a NTuple{N, Any} or a StaticArrays.SVector{N, Any}. We could also have stored dependencies as additional fields, but this does not scale well with nested structs. It would either require putting an additional field for each dependency (be it direct, or indirect dependencies coming from a pointer to another struct), possibly defining other structures that hold dependencies to avoid having a large number of fields, inducing additional compilation time.


cconvert/unsafe_convert were extended so that, when using an API function directly, ccall will convert a struct to its vks field. Therefore, there is no need to specify it manually in that case.


In Vulkan, version numbers are UInt32 with a special encoding to extract major, minor and patch numbers, booleans are represented as UInt32 values, Strings as Ptr{UInt8} or NTuple{N, UInt8}. Those types have a natural counterpart in Julia, being respectively VersionNumber, Bool and String types. The wrapper makes it possible to work with these Julian types, automatically converting them wherever necessary.

Automatic insertion of inferable arguments

In some places, part of the arguments of a function or of the fields of a structure can only take one logical value. It can be divided into two sets:

  1. The structure type sType of certain structures
  2. Arguments related to the start and length of a pointer which represents an array

The second set is a consequence of using a higher-level language than C. In C, the pointer alone does not provide any information regarding the number of elements it holds. In Julia, array-like values can be constructed in many different ways, being an Array, a NTuple or other container types which provide a length method.

Structure type

Many API structures possess a sType field which must be set to a unique value. This is done to favor the extendability of the API, but is unnecessary boilerplate for the user. Worse, this is an error-prone process which may lead to crashes. All the constructors of this wrapper do not expose this sType argument, and hardcode the expected value.

Pointer lengths

The length of array pointers is automatically deduced from the length of the container passed in as argument.

Pointer starts

Some API functions require to specify the start of a pointer array as an argument. They have been hardcoded to 0 (first element), since it is always possible (and very straightforward) to pass in a sub-array.

Error handling

Error handling is achieved via ResultTypes.jl to avoid the large overhead incurred by try/catch blocks. All functions that need to perform an operation that returns a VkResult are wrapped into a Result, which contains a VulkanError if a non-success code is encountered. Custom error handling can be performed using the following pattern

res = create_instance(InstanceCreateInfo([], []))
if iserror(res) # handle the error
    err = unwrap_error(res)
        error("No driver compatible with the requested API version could be found.
                Please make sure that a driver supporting Vulkan is installed, and
                that it is up to date with the requested version.")
else # get the instance
Instance(Ptr{Nothing} @0x0000000002da6c80)

Note that calling unwrap directly on the result will throw any contained VulkanError if there is one. So, if you just want to throw an exception when encountering an error, you can do

unwrap(create_instance(InstanceCreateInfo([], [])))
Instance(Ptr{Nothing} @0x0000000003ca5b00)

Because it may be tedious to unwrap everything by hand and explicitly set the create info structures, convenience constructors are defined for handle types so that you can just do

Instance([], [])
Instance(Ptr{Nothing} @0x00000000032ca100)

However, note that exceptions are thrown whenever the result is an error with this shorter approach.

For more details on the Result type and how to handle it, please consult the ResultTypes documentation.


Automatic finalization

Handles can be created with the API functions vkCreate* and vkAllocate*, and most of them must be destroyed after use with a vkDestroy* or vkFree*. More importantly, they must be destroyed with the same allocator and parent handle that created them. To facilitate this, new mutable handle types were defined to allow for the registration of a finalizer. Instead of having to manually specify the finalizer for each handle instance, the create_* and allocate_* wrappers automatically register the corresponding destructor.

However, finalizers can be run in arbitrary order, and some handles require to be destroyed only after all their children (such as VkDevices). To avoid crashes related to bad finalization execution order, a simple thread-safe reference counting system is used to make sure that a handle is destroyed only after all its children are destroyed.

This introduces a small overhead, since the parent handle and allocator are stored in an anonymous function for each handle at creation. However, it should be minor compared to the execution time of the API destructors.

There are exceptions to the described above. CommandBuffers and DescriptorSets do not register any destructor and are never implicitly freed. You will have to explicitly free those resources yourself with free_command_buffers and free_descriptor_sets respectively. The reason for that is that they are supposed to be freed in batches for performance considerations. Please note also that, except for these two handle types, you should never explicitly call the destructors, otherwise they will be destroyed twice, likely resulting in a crash.

Because finalization order is the source of many Vulkan bugs, particularly when objects implicitly depend on other objects being alive, there is a preference LOG_DESTRUCTION that allows you to log all destructions if set to "true".

Expose *[Create/Allocate]Info arguments

Handles that can only be created with a single API constructor possess an additional constructor that wraps around the generated create/allocate* functions, building the required *[Create/Allocate]Info from exposed arguments. That way, you do not have to explicitly construct this intermediate structure, which reduces boilerplate code.

For example

fence = unwrap(create_fence(device, FenceCreateInfo()))
fence_signaled = unwrap(create_fence(device, FenceCreateInfo(flags=VK_FENCE_CREATE_SIGNALED_BIT);

can be replaced with

fence = unwrap(create_fence(device))
fence_signaled = unwrap(create_fence(device; flags=VK_FENCE_CREATE_SIGNALED_BIT, allocator=my_allocator))

Note that we unwrap the result every time, assuming that the create_fence function did not return any error. See the error handling section for more information.

Furthermore, handle types have a generated constructor that exposes the same arguments as the create/allocate* functions, but automatically unwrapping the result so you don't have to call it manually. The above can then be further reduced into

fence = Fence(device)
fence_signaled = Fence(device, flags=VK_FENCE_CREATE_SIGNALED_BIT; allocator=my_allocator)

When multiple info structures are requested, only the main one is exposed

# the ApplicationInfo has to be provided manually
instance = Instance([], []; application_info = ApplicationInfo(...))
# the array of DeviceQueueCreateInfo has to be provided manually
device = Device(physical_device, [DeviceQueueCreateInfo(0, [1.0])], [], [])

When multiple handles are constructed at the same time, no additional constructor is defined and you need to call the create_* function manually

pipelines = unwrap(create_graphics_pipelines(device, [GraphicsPipelineCreateInfo(...)]))
command_buffers = unwrap(allocate_command_buffers(device, CommandBufferAllocateInfo(
                                           command_pool, VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_LEVEL_PRIMARY, 3)))

Parent handle access

Handles store their parent handle if they have one. This removes the need to have giant structures or global variables to store your handles. You can, e.g., just carry a Pipeline around and access its device field whenever you like, and the physical_device field of this device and so on until you reach the instance that has no parent. Therefore, you won't need to pass around all the other parent handles.

It facilitates composability of Vulkan code, that is traditionally very hard because of these giant structures that are often found in applications.

Bitmask flags

In Vulkan, the value of some flags carry meaning through a bitmask structure. Bitmasks define bit values which they can be a composition of (using bitwise and, or, and xor operations). However, the associated flag type is defined as a UInt32, which allows any value to be passed in as a flag. This opens up the door to incorrect usage that may be hard to debug. To circumvent that, every bitmask flag now has one associated type which prevents combinations with flags of other bitmask types.

For example, consider the vanilla VkSampleCountFlags type (alias for UInt32) with bits defined via the enumerated type VkSampleCountFlagBits:

julia> using Vulkan.core

julia> VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT isa VkSampleCountFlagBits

julia> VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT === VkSampleCountFlagBits(1)

julia> VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT === VkSampleCountFlags(1)

julia> VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT | VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_2_BIT === VkSampleCountFlags(3)

julia> VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT & VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_2_BIT === VkSampleCountFlags(0)


Those two types are combined into one SampleCountFlag:

julia> SampleCountFlag <: BitMask

julia> SurfaceTransformFlagKHR <: BitMask # another bitmask flag

julia> SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT | SAMPLE_COUNT_2_BIT === SampleCountFlag(3)

julia> SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT & SAMPLE_COUNT_2_BIT === SampleCountFlag(0)

ERROR: Bitwise operation not allowed between incompatible bitmasks 'SampleCountFlag', 'SurfaceTransformFlagKHR'

julia> UInt32(typemax(SampleCountFlag)) === UInt32(vk.VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_FLAG_BITS_MAX_ENUM)

All functions that were expecting a VkSampleCountFlags (UInt32) value will have their wrapped versions expect a value of type SampleCountFlag. Note also that the *FLAG_BITS_MAX_ENUM fields are removed. This value is the same for all enums and can be accessed via typemax(T) where T is a BitMask (e.g. SampleCountFlag).


Some of the above features may have configurable options that can be set via Preferences.jl.


Preferences require running at least Julia 1.6. For earlier versions, these options are not customizable, and will have their default values.

LOG_DESTRUCTIONLog the destruction of Vulkan handles"false"